Circular Nature Trail Walk
An easy circular walk from Clitheroe Rail Station
Start: Clitheroe Station
Turn right out of station and continue past the supermarket, following the road round to the left then, at the roundabout, head right, but instead of crossing the railway bridge, veer slightly left down lane leading into the castle field.
Continue under the footbridge then left, climbing steadily past the bandstand and continuing to the ‘Pinnacle’ - a repurposed parapet from the palace of a Westminster which was presented to the town between the wars.
Descend the steps right of the Pinnacle terrace, veering half right to exit the castle via the steep steps.
Cross the road with care and after the Brown Cow pub, head right, turning right again after 50m into the Holmes Mill complex. Continue through the complex and exit past hotel onto Greenacre Street and head left past school then right along Whalley Road.
After 150 yards head left down cobbled lane between pub and Chinese restaurant. Follow lane to left then immediately right and follow path left into nature reserve. Cross the wooden bridge over Mearley Brook the follow path left.
Look out for the old sluice gates across the Brook on the left. These controlled the flow of the water to power the mills downstream.
Continue past next bridge following the walkway and forking left to reach the viewing platform. Retrace your steps and climb the steps and exit left onto Woone Lane near the owl carving.
CAUTION: Traffic
Cross the road with care and head left along Woone Lane. Where the road heads left, continue straight on along tarmac driveway into the new development. Continue to metal gate and follow footpath along the backs of the houses for 250m to another gate.
Continue through gate, heading half right and through the gate under the railway bridge. Follow the path alongside the Brook and follow it downstream through a gate and across the fields.
Beside the houses, at the road, cross with care and follow track on far side round to the right then left, descending to the River Ribble. Follow the Ribble upstream for half a mile to Edisford Bridge. At road, head right uphill on footpath then cross road at pelican crossing and continue along drive leading to the swimming pool.
Beyond the pool, follow grassy path along left hand boundary of the field, briefly rejoining the river along the backs of the houses before heading right into the mill village of Low Moor.
Continue over the roundabout, following the road right before cutting back left past the Old Wesleyan School and straight on through the new housing estate. Continue to track past the allotments and stables. On your left is the old mill leat along which water was diverted from the Ribble to turn the wheel at Low Moor Mill.
Go through metal kissing gate and keep left to reach the large weir. This is where water from the Ribble was diverted into the mill leat. In autumn, when the river is high, you might be lucky enough to see salmon leaping over the fish pass on the far side of this weir. Climb steeply up the slope above the weir to reach the marker post and head straight across the field to a wooden kissing gate 75m distant.
Continue through gate and along the left hand field boundary as Clitheroe Castle appears above the new houses. At far end of the field, head left through kissing gate and across field to join footpath skirting cemetery. Follow path to Waddington Road and head right on pavement, climbing briefly before descending towards the church spire.
Continue under the railway bridge – taking care on the narrow pavement – then head right along railway view for 200m to return to the station.